Are you adopting a child outside of Florida? Here’s what you should know about the ICPC process:
What Papers Are Needed to Place a Child for Adoption in Florida?
These are the papers that you’ll need to fill out in order to place a child for adoption in Florida:
4 Things You Need to Know About Transracial Adoption in FL
Transracial adoption can be complicated, so it’s important you know as much as possible before pursuing an interracial adoption in Florida.
Placing Your Baby for a Safe Haven Adoption in Florida
While a safe haven baby adoption in Florida may seem like the ideal solution if you’re not ready to parent, adoption with Bryan McLachlan is another option.
How to Create an Adoptive Family Profile
Looking for adoption profile book ideas and examples? Wondering how to make an adoption profile book? Here’s how Bryan McLachlan can help.
Choosing to Have a Secret Adoption – Is Confidential Adoption Right for You?
Are you considering placing your child up for adoption in Florida? What you should know about keeping adoption a secret from your friends and family:
How Long Does it Take to Adopt a Child in Florida?
Adoption wait times vary, but here’s how you can reduce how long it takes to adopt a child in Florida:
Parenting and Adoption: Your Alternatives to Abortion in Florida
If you’re unexpectedly pregnant and interested in other alternatives to abortion in Florida, you have two: parenting and adoption. We can help you decide.
What is ICWA, and What Does it Mean for Your Adoption?
Are you adopting a child of Native American heritage? Do you know if you’ll need to gain ICWA clearance for your adoption in Florida? Learn more:
What to Ask Adoptive Parents (And What Not to Ask)
Do you know what questions to ask prospective adoptive families? Here’s how to find out if they’re the right family for your child: