If you are pregnant and looking at this website, chances are you’re curious about adoption. Bryan McLachlan has helped more than 300 Florida women who have made the decision to place their child through adoption. And while Bryan McLachlan can’t tell you if you’re ready to be a mom or not, he can certainly help you to make the decision on your own.
Pregnant women consider adoption for different reasons. Maybe there’s one specific factor that has you questioning whether you are ready to be a parent, or maybe it’s a myriad of concerns. To speak confidentially with Bryan about your options, call 727-398-0086 or fill out this form. In the meantime, here are some of the most common reasons a Florida woman chooses adoption:
She can’t afford to raise a child.
According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the average cost to raise a child until he or she reaches 18 was $245,340 in 2013. This is a huge expense for anyone, but especially to someone who hasn’t been planning for it. Many women know they can’t financially provide for a child and choose adoption to give their baby all of the opportunities they want them to have.
She doesn’t have a good relationship with the father.
It’s absolutely possible to do an amazing job of raising a child as a single mother, and many women do. However, many other women would prefer to bring a child into a stable, two-parent home. Maybe she knows the father isn’t a permanent fixture in her life, or maybe she just isn’t ready to put that pressure on a relationship, but many women do choose adoption because they feel like they would have to parent alone.
She’s worried about her mental health.
It’s important that you don’t ignore your mental health while making this decision. Many women suffer from mental health disorders, like antenatal and postpartum depression, that affect their feelings about parenting their child. Depression-like symptoms can include mood swings and anxiety, which would naturally make an important, permanent decision difficult to make. Bryan McLachlan partners with adoption counselors at American Adoptions who offer 24/7 adoption support, so any pregnant woman who feels concerned about her mental health can call 1-800-ADOPTION to speak with a professional counselor.
She’s pursuing further education or career goals.
Many women don’t feel that they can parent a child and still reach their professional goals, be that a college degree, the start of a professional career, or a promotion at work. Of course, it’s possible to be a mother and achieve all of your goals simultaneously, but many women realize the additional effort and strain it’s going to put on them and any child they’re responsible for.
She doesn’t want to be a mom.
Not everyone wants to be a parent — and that’s totally okay. Many women never have the desire to be mothers, and still more feel that they don’t want to be a mom yet when they’re confronted with an unexpected pregnancy. This isn’t a feeling that should be ignored. Many women who have this feeling know that their own lives and that of their children will suffer if they choose to parent.
Always remember that you are the only one qualified to decide what to do about your pregnancy. No one other than you knows if you should become a parent. If you aren’t sure if you’re prepared for a baby, you can speak with Bryan McLachlan today with no obligation at 727-398-0086. You can also contact Bryan online to receive more information about adoption.